vineri, 25 februarie 2011

Barbat cu pisica

10 comentarii:

  1. excelente fotografii. rafinate si simple. te gasii pe un site rusesc: plin de comentarii admirative, ca apoi sa ajung aici.
    succes si la si mai bine :)

  2. Ma bucur ca ne-am gasit, Roman!
    Merci de trecere!

  3. fain cadrul.Se pare ca ai umblat lela si tu si Adi

  4. chiar aşa, poza asta şi cele dinainte, parcă ar fi tablouri de-alea clasice, ruseşti... arată o lume ce zici că nu-i adevărată!...
    în orice caz au o aromă extraordinară, iar tehnic sunt impecabile...

  5. va multumesc de trecere si de cuvinte! :o)
    O duminica frumoasa!

  6. Hi,i have photo like this too,can you see it in my blog

  7. What a warm and deeply inviting picture of two dear friends who have been together for some time. The colors of the room are autumnal and the light greets the eye from two friendly windows. The expression on the man's face, his sideways glance at his longtime companion and the cat's affectionate and rather graceful response make for an utterly beautiful capture. What this man may be missing in limbs he makes up for with a magnificent stature in Soul. I have a cat who is dear to me and anyone who loves animals can see the relationship between these two in what you have done here. Simply wonderful.

  8. Thank you for your very kind words, Noelle! :o)
