sâmbătă, 20 iulie 2013


Maria, am vizitat-o din nou, după doi ani. Nu s-a schimbat deloc... :o)
Maria, I visited her again after two years. She didn't change at all... :o)

3 comentarii:

  1. Pleased to meet Maria! It’s good to revisit old friends that seem never getting older. Only genuine people can stay the same, year after year, doesn’t matter how much white hair or wrinkles. I guess it’s also easier to stay the same when one lives in an environment apparently impenetrable to the constant changes of modern world.
    Well, if that tranquil and idyllic world where she lives is preserved is also due to the fact that those people seem virtually “unchangeable”.
    You captured again that soft light that gives to everything an enchanted aura, doesn’t matter how simple or common things may be.
